Michelle was born with her gifts but started her psychic training as a young girl, practicing and learning her craft at a slow pace, absorbing everything like a sponge. She studied under reputable and well known psychics, mediums, reiki and shaman energy instructors who helped her to fine tune her gifts. In fact she still currently trains with a Master Shaman as an apprentice who supports her with her spiritual disciplines such as meditation, mantras and qigong (energy work), which she uses for the most intuitive and beneficial psychic readings.
Whatever your questions are, Michelle will channel your energy through, Life Force Energy, Spirit Guides and Ancestors. She will use the aid of the Multitude Rune, Tarot and Oracle cards to further assist and to better understand your situation. Not only will you receive the most awesome reading but you will also receive an energetic healing along with the confidence that you’ve received the right answers as you walk away from her reading.
Reading cards is at the top of the list that Michelle enjoys doing. But she also enjoys being one with Mother Nature especially where there is water. She rides her motorcycle for pleasure but also to feel the wind. So whether she is at the beach, or a river, or in the mountains, or on her motorcycle, she continuously experiences a cleansing of her soul that the water, wind and sun provide.
Favorite Quote and Mantra: “Don’t look down on anyone unless you are helping them up” -Martin Luther