Ext. 1116

Price: $3.29

Frank has been involved with metaphysics and the paranormal since around 11 years old, and a professional psychic for almost 30 years. For the past 20 years he has been a proud member of the psychic power family.

Frank is a certified personal trainer, an adventurer and professional treasure salvor, and while no longer involved with an agency, he is still licensed as a private investigator in the state of Florida. A U.S. Navy veteran, he is world traveled and has used his abilities successfully with law enforcement.

Frank loves sharing his abilities and helping others. His goal is to bring clarity to the events in your life and to create a better understanding of the past and present so that you can take control of your future.

Style and Specialties
While Frank uses his well-honed clairvoyant abilities as the primary channel for his readings, he sometimes incorporate biorhythms, numerology, variations of the tarot, and coordinate remote viewing to help bring clarity to complex issues. His far-reaching background as an investigator helps him to derive even the most challenging answers. Sometimes a name, location, or a date of birth is all that is needed to get where we need to go in order to achieve real results.

Frank is a life coach and some of his specialties are: relationships, career, business, finances, dream interpretation and lost objects.

A Personal Note
Frank is a diverse traveler and adventurer and loves the outdoors. His professional background has given him a front seat insight into multiple personalities, and his obligation has always been to “serve and protect”.

Favorite Quote: “Fortune favors the bold” –Alexander the Great


3/12/2025 11:16:38 AM UTC
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Praise for Frank

Reviews are a great way to find the advisor that's right for you. Here's what Frank's happy clients have to say.

"Great "

A great reader fast detailed and on point

- Tluv40


I add more money because the reading was very good I ask him about my husband and unfortunately right now he is in a very negative mindset because of his health situation. He can improve but will take time and he see me leaving the marriage but he also confirmed that with love I might be able to change the outcome. Thanks again for a fantastic reading tonight I will keep you posted God bless you

- stefanie


When i say he is the truth he had me in tears a good thing thank you soooo much and God bless

- Nigiie


this was originally here